about me

im making this section because i need it to earn the badge

my name is jaiden, im 15 and a sophomore at eastern christian high school

i started this site to earn the badge, but i finished it actually interested in the process, and wanting to learn more about design and web development. i enjoy the creative process, and i liked this project because i could kind of do whatever i wanted with it and that made it more interesting

im not even that big of a kanye fan but i put a picture of him on my first page for this class, and then on my index page, and ig ive sort of created a theme around kanye in this class. i learned quite a bit about kanye and explored some more of his music whilst making this page which was fun

this project took me about 2 days, and as of now i have 26 badges and hopefully 29 after i submit this site. i need 32 for an A+, and have 6 weeks left of the quarter. i planned to finish within the next week then use the last 5 weeks of class as a study hall, but the class actually interests me so i might create some more stuff for fun idk