Dark Knight

Vigilante soldiers who bow to no master save justice. Protect the weak with greatswords.


Dark Knight is a tank job that focuses on resource management, burst damage, and frequent, short-duration defensive abilities. While it doesn't match the defensive potency of other tanks, they can be used almost twice as often and offer unparalleled burst damage for a tank.

Notable Skills

The Blackest Night

The Blackest Night is a Dark Knight's most useful defensive tool. It becomes available once every 15 seconds, which is extremely fast for a defensive cooldown. At the cost of 3000 MP, they are able to apply a shield to either themselves or a party member totaling 25% of their maximum HP. Should the barrier be consumed entirely, the mana they consumed is refunded in the form of Dark Arts.


Shadowbringer is a testament to the Dark Knight's powerful burst damage. It can store up to 2 charges, refreshes 1 charge every 60 seconds, and deals powerful damage to all enemies within a straight line. It can only be executed under Darkside, a constant buff the Dark Knight reapplies that boosts their damage while sacrificing their MP.

Living Shadow

Living Shadow conjured a simularicum of their darkside to fight alongside the Dark Knight. For 24 seconds, their Esteem will deliver powerful blows automatically, dealing devastating damage.