
Prestigious spellweavers who combine the arts of aetherology, sorcery, and medicine to channel somanoutics through an array of nouliths.


Sage is a barrier healer with a mechanically interactive kit that focuses on preventative healing with shields and mitigation. Along with this, they are able to heal allies by attacking the enemy and are skilled at ensuring the party never gets into a bad situation in the first place.

Notable Skills


Kardia places the effect of Kardion upon an ally party member, which restores the target's HP after the Sage casts certain magic attacks. This allows the Sage to contribute to the party's damage while still keeping their allies fighting.


Pneuma is strong off-global attack that greatly restores the HP of all party members, granting additional heals to the party member under the effect of Kardion.


Icarus is an ability that grants the Sage a degree of mobility, allowing them to instantly rush to a target party member or a target enemy. This can be used to ensure all party members are in range for the Sage's heals or be used to avoid an enemy's attack.